Work experience at Eastnor Pottery

hereford college of art student doing undertaking work experience at eastnor potteryOnce or twice a year we liaise with local high schools and colleges offering students work experience placements here at the Pottery.

Putu is a student at Hereford College of Arts currently studying on their Extended Diploma in Art and Design. She joined us recently to experience our busy little creative business first hand.

As well as assisting with our classes and courses, Putu had the opportunity to make her own ceramic work incorporating some of the themes and ideas she’s exploring on her course. Weaving is a process she’s particularly interested in and subsequently had a go at weaving clay. Nice work Putu!

weaved clay work by hca work experience student at eastnor potterypot thrown on potters wheel and decorated at eastnor pottery by hca student on work experience

weaved clay bowlthrown and carved bowl made by work experience student at eastnor pottery